Do you have a hot lead on a story about these tough economic times? Email us at

Friday, February 13, 2009


My fellow Americans,

We are living in tough economic times. These times of ours? So tough (economically). Things are difficult for us now. Extravagance is OUT and frugality is IN, at least according to the delightful newspaper articles I've been reading about "Recessionistas". I'M A RECESSIONISTA I'M ONLY BUYING THE $300 PURSE INSTEAD OF THE $1000 PURSE HAYYYYYY!

These tough economic times are exactly like the Great Depression, except that maybe you have to buy a smaller flat screen TV than you were planning to, whereas in the Great Depression people had to eat potato soup every day.

We started this blog in order to help you make it through. Check in on us whenever you can for helpful tips on surviving...these tough economic times.

The These Tough Economic Times Team