Do you have a hot lead on a story about these tough economic times? Email us at

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


OK once again let's clear things up. This recession we're going through is NOT LIKE THE GREAT DEPRESSION. AT ALL. Here are a few points to help clarify this:

"I'm hungry!"
THIS RECESSION: I think I'll go use my credit card and buy some food at the fully stocked grocery store. Excuse me are these apples organic? Helloooo? Do you even speak English?
THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Fuck you, eat your kids.

"I lost my job!"
THE GREAT DEPRESSION: I might have to move to California to find work. This dust storm sucks anyways. Pack up family! We're goin' west!
THIS RECESSION: I'm going to just hide in one of the closets in my 8 bedroom house with one of those silver emergency blankets wrapped around my head. Then months later I'll crawl out and take a less desirable job for less money but compare it to the Holocaust.

"I'm almost out of cash!"
THE GREAT DEPRESSION: Better hide this in my mattress and play the fiddle till this all passes!
THIS RECESSION: Wait, I can only afford an older generation iPod? I'd better murder my whole family!

I'm predicting that it's only a matter of time before we see a goddamn photo of some laid off businessman or woman wearing fucking OVERALLS because THAT'S ALL THEY HAVE LEFT TO WEAR. Because they're SO POOR now. However if we see one of them wearing nothing but a barrel, that person deserves a high five.

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